Monday, January 12, 2009

Well, well, well Look what we have here

Well imagine my surprise when I spent a Sunday evening with the Cordners and the Jr.Jr. Jenkins families only to find that the family has a Jehamaco Blog!

I pondered for some time why an extremely interesting person such as myself, who also happens to be a very integral and treasured member of this family, would just now be discovering this well kept family secret.

Apparently certain more established members of this wonderfully extended family feel that those of us without, spouses, children, grand-children, nieces or nephews, school, jobs, girlfriends, pets, a permanent address, a full grasp on correct grammar... or delicious recipes have anything note worthy to add to this fantastic blog... and maybe they're right...

...all the same I feel like I have an obligation to inform the rest of you of what my family of 1 has been up to as of late...

...which is conveniently and quite accurately summed up in the picture posted here... that's about it!

Much love to all,


1 comment:

sara e.a.* said...

yeah, and apparently honorary members aren't even invited to read this secret blog? well, i have been. so there. :) and i love it.

mckay, you're nothing less that amazing.